Our Mission

Heroin Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from heroin addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop suffering from heroin addiction.

The purpose of the Tennessee Area of Heroin Anonymous is to serve Heroin Anonymous Groups in the TN area, and to make decisions concerning the business affairs and services of Heroin Anonymous in Tennessee in the spirit of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts for World Service.

Who is a heroin addict?

We are people of all walks of life. At one time in our life we may have been curious about using heroin. For some of us, we instantly fell in love with this drug and for others its attraction was gradual. Whatever the case may be, we eventually became obsessed. Sometimes we convinced ourselves that certain bills didn’t need to be paid. We began to plot ways to steal money and other items so we could use again. At some point it was no longer recreational but rather an absolute necessity.

At times we mixed heroin with alcohol or other drugs and found the relief was minimal. We became determined to get the same high we did in the beginning. Seeing someone die from an overdose wasn’t enough to stop us. We no longer cared what it took to cop one more time. We began doing things we thought we would never do, and were left feeling ashamed of ourselves. Sometimes the dope man would be late and we would panic. When we got sick, we would do anything to get straight.

Like so many who have had these experiences, we have found hope and a better way of life. We no longer have to suffer from this horrible addiction. We no longer want to destroy our lives one tenth at a time. We are no longer afraid to answer the door, nor are we afraid to go somewhere for fear of who we may see. We have found freedom. We are heroin addicts who simply wish to share with you our experience on how we have recovered. Our suffering has come to an end because we are now free people.